Possible Worlds is a not-for-profit studio, publisher, and project space based in Great Yarmouth, UK. We’re building the world we want to live in.

Possible Worlds Studio

Possible Worlds experiments with new ways to create and share meaning. In addition to our own programming, we also make tools for people and organisations in arts, culture, and social movements. We develop low-cost digital infrastructure, create platforms to help you build and monetise communities, deploy technologies to allow social movements to organise securely, and design intelligent campaigns to help you communicate more effectively. Full-stack web development, mobile app production, publication and information design, and more. Tell us what you want to achieve, and we'll work with you to make it a reality.


Possible Worlds is open source-first. This means we use open source software as a first choice wherever possible, and that all the software and tools we create in-house are made available on the same terms. We believe in private-by-default, local-first, self-hosted, and freely modifiable solutions as one of the bases for a more equitable internet, and as a foundation for a modern and just future. All of our open tools will be listed here as they become available.

Alexandra's Library

A shadow library focusing on the avant-garde, technology, and philosophy. Currently invite-only.
Request a login by email.


A publicly available Etherpad instance.